Friday, 26 June 2009

Googling with Bing: the easiest way to Google since Yahoo!

This is a precious College Humor video. Simply amazing.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Free! Or Free?!

Chris Anderson on "Free: The Future of a Radical Price" at the Wired Disruptive Business Conference. Anderson's new book will be published next July and Wired Mag has published an excerpt for free.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

The future has to be FASTER

Google wants to make the internet faster. And faster. That is a strategic work flow expressed this afternoon at the Official Google Blog: "speed as a key requirement in product and infrastructure development". Announcing a new web site for developers under the Google code platform, Google wants to find have answers to this basic question:
"What would be possible if browsing the web was as fast as turning the pages of a magazine"?

Who will pay for Twitter?

That's an old question. As old as ... Twitter!

Bloomberg points out that " Twitter Targets Revenue This Year From Starbucks, Whole Foods". Quoting Twitter co-founder Biz Stone: "The idea is if they are getting value out of Twitter then we could add more value to what they are doing and we could get some revenue."

More about how Twitter plans to generate its first revenue at Bloomberg note or Biz Stone Biz Stone chat for Cannes Lions TV .

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Clay Shirky: How Twitter can make history

The end of top-down control of news is changing the nature of politics. A talk where Clay Shirky shows "how Facebook, Twitter and TXTs help citizens in repressive regimes to report on real news, bypassing censors (however briefly)."

Friday, 19 June 2009

Email Marketing Success Is About Relevance

Email marketing continues to be an effective, low-cost way to inform and retain current customers. Customers like receiving targeted messages from companies they care about. They like when they're emailed about things they've already shown in an interest in. And that's where the email thrives. [Small Business Trends]

What natural and economic disasters have in common

Parallels between the failures of man-made systems, such as the economy, and of similarly complex natural ones offer fascinating food for thought.
(In McKinsey Quarterly)

Google Searches for Ways to Keep Big Ideas at Home

From The Wall Street Journal: Google Inc. is revamping how it develops and prioritizes new products, giving employees a pipeline to the company's top brass amid worries about losing its best people and promising ideas to start-ups.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Free WordPress themes

Under-construction Wordpress free themes list: some cool but unuseful, some minimal but essential and many others in between. Sure you will find one for your needs. More on the way

100 Amazing Free Wordpress Themes for 2009
15 Portfolio Themes for WordPress
20 Free Minimal Wordpress Themes
45 Excellent Free Wordpress Themes

Out now: WordPress 2.8 “Baker”

The new WordPress version WP2.8 “Baker” is now available for download. WP blog posted about improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, overall speed and over 790 fixed bugs. This release is named in honor of noted trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker. This is a nice video overview of this new version: