Simon Dumenco, the media columnist for Advertising Age, writes about "
The Coming Google Apocalypse" telling us that he's really scared about the cloud.
This is a negative article about the Cloud and the author talks only about Google. One should ask, is there really such a dark scenario to be afraid of? Is Google alone in the sky?
These questions are really important, but the main thesis on the AdAge article does not convice anyone:
"the larger reality is that more and more businesses and individuals are trusting their mission-critical data and applications to Google's cloud. And the problem with that: Google's cloud has the potential to blanket us -- smother us -- in ways much more systemic and potentially apocalyptic than Microsoft's desktop software monopoly ever did."
To dark for me:
"Now, what happens when 10% or 20% (or, heck, 75%) of, say, all U.S. small businesses come to depend on Google Apps and there's an outage of two hours or six hours or eight hours? What happens when 10% or 20% or 75% of U.S. small businesses effectively have an entire workday wiped out, thanks to Google cloud downtime?
Cascading ... flop sweat. Tears. Screaming. Desperation. Apocalypse."
This post was writen in the cloud. Powered by Google. It was posted at blogger, also from Google. Am I safe?
Make your conclusions after reading the full article,