Saturday, 27 February 2010

The Philosophy of Punk Rock Mathematics

This simple:

1) People use the average Joe’s poor mathematics as a way to control, exploit, and numerically fuck him over.

2) Mathematics is the subject in which, regardless of what the authorities tell you is true, you can verify every last iota of truth, with a minimum of equipment.

A #mustread Interview with Tom Henderson, aka @mathpunk, at


Posted via web from Zoid's reading the Wide Web

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Facts and Figures about Google, the Internet Company

Google has perhaps more than any other company become “The Internet Company.” It’s grown hand in hand with the internet and its entire business model has from the start been totally focused on the internet as a delivery platform.

Check a massive infographic about Google, at Royal Pingdom

Saturday, 13 February 2010