Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Facebook offers tips on being popular

Want to be the most popular person on Facebook? All you have to do is write longer status updates, talk about music and sports, don’t be overly emotional, don’t talk about your family, don’t refer to time and use the word “you” a lot.

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Monday, 27 December 2010

Amazon Says New Kindle is Its Top-Selling Product

Giant online retailer announced on Monday that the latest version of its popular Kindle E-reader has become the top-selling item in the company’s history — surpassing the previous champ, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7).

On Christmas Day, Amazon said, more people activated new Kindles and bought more E-books than any other day in the company’s history. Kindle (Wi-Fi) and Kindle 3G devices were the best-selling products on Amazon this holiday season, the company said.

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Sunday, 5 December 2010

As Wikileaks becomes increasingly isolated on the Web...## imwikileaks

Isolated on the web? WHat????""
As Wikileaks becomes increasingly isolated on the Web, Twitter’s response will become increasingly significant.

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Thursday, 18 November 2010

Web 2.0 Summit 2010: Eric Schmidt, "A Conversation with Eric Schmidt"

Web 2.0 Summit 2010: Evan Williams, "A Conversation with Evan Williams"

Monday, 15 November 2010

Facemail? Gmail Killer?? Anything else?

And now Facebook, which wants to be your social network, your photo and video sharing conduit, your search engine, your recommendations machine, your geolocator, your coupon distributor, and (apparently) your email service. This may well be its jump-the-cartilaginous-killer-fish moment.

When you try to be all things to all people, you risk being nothing to no one. I think I saw that on a fortune cookie somewhere.

Robert X. Cringely at

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Friday, 5 November 2010

Google Calls Out Facebook’s Data Hypocrisy, Blocks Gmail Import

Facebook has long been a one-way valve. You put data in so you can connect with friends, and then you can’t get it out and use it the way you would like to, even as the company is trying to corner the market on your identity.

And Thursday night Google called out its rival on such data-portability hypocrisy: It banned the huge social network from allowing its users to connect their Gmail contacts to see who among them are also on Facebook to get the friending frenzy started.
Facebook and Google are locked in a fight over who controls identity on the net, which Facebook is handily winning, with its Connect service that automatically logs you into some sites (and transfers your profile) and gives sites and now phone apps an easy way to let people login via their Facebook credentials. It’s a convenience that puts Facebook firmly at the center of the Web.

Facebook has a history of blocking its rivals and, until now, it hasn’t been serious challenged. In June, Twitter’s Facebook app gave users the ability to find which of their Facebook friends were also on Twitter, so that you could follow them or make a list of them to follow. Facebook quickly shut that down.


Google Calls Out Facebook’s Data Hypocrisy, Blocks Gmail Import | Epicenter |

Friday, 22 October 2010

In technology, being late can be as disastrous as being wrong.

Microsoft hasn’t just lost market share since the iPhone inaugurated the modern smartphone era, it has seen its position implode, falling to 5 percent in the second quarter from 22 percent in 2004.

... within five years, more users will connect to the Internet on mobile devices than the desktop computers that Microsoft has dominated for decades. Unless the company can establish a beachhead in mobile, it’s facing a long slow slide into irrelevance.

Rich Jaroslovsky - Bloomberg

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Google releases Demo Slam: Let the Slams begin

Google Demo Slam is a competition for tech demos - not just by startups and other tech companies, but for anybody who wants to create a video that shows others how to use a cool tech product.


A place where boring tech demos become (hopefully) gotta-show-my-friends awesome...

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Twitter Aims to Get 1 Billion Users, Matching Facebook Target

Evan Williams, Twitter Inc.’s co-founder said the world’s third-largest social-networking platform will aim to get 1 billion followers, which may help the micro-blogging site compete with Facebook Inc. in attracting advertisements.
Williams didn’t elaborate on a timeframe.
"Twitter now is starting to try different types of monetizing methods," said Elinor Leung, head of Internet research at CLSA Ltd. in Hong Kong. "It’s the same as YouTube. They have a lot of traffic, and a lot of people using it, but it’s not easy to monetize because you don’t know who’s watching."

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

In Vietnam, Politburo Tries 'Friending'

The Internet poses a challenge for authoritarian regimes around the world. But Vietnam's leaders think they have figured out a new way to tame it—by launching their own, Communist-friendly answer to popular social-networking sites like Facebook
Full text at

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Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Welcome: this is a new Twitter

Everyone at Twitter I spoke with today agreed that this is the single biggest change they’ve ever made to the site since its initial launch.

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Saturday, 21 August 2010

Membase, The Database Powering Farmville

65 million people play Zynga's online games every day. Millions of web browsers open to millions farms and millions of frontiers. They take turns, they tend crops, they send gifts. They buy millions of objects and upgrades. It's a mind-boggling amount of data. It's a new sort of data, and it warranted development of a new sort of database management system.

That system, Membase, is a "NoSQL" database optimized for storing web applications. Membase was developed by Zynga, NorthScale, and NHN, and its source code released as open source in June of this year.

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Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Google to Allow Trademarked Keywords Following European Union Ruling - Bloomberg

Google Inc. will allow advertisers on its sites across Europe to use trademarked terms as “keywords” that link Internet searches to ads.

The policy change brings Google’s trademark practice in Europe in line with company rules in about 190 countries, including the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Ireland. The change, effective from Sept. 14, follows a ruling by the European Union’s highest court in March that Google doesn’t breach EU law by selling trademark-protected names as keywords.

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Thursday, 29 July 2010

Thursday, 8 July 2010

What Is The Value Of A Facebook Fan? Much more than zero!

Augie Ray posted a very interesting question (and answer) at Forrester's Marketing Blog: What Is The Value Of A Facebook Fan? Zero!

Not, really, as Mr Ray concluded in the text. It can be much more than zero, but first we must figure...
"... the difference between potential value and realized value. There is an appropriate and interesting corollary in the world of high school physics: If you lift a ball off the ground and hold it stationary, it has no kinetic energy but it does have potential energy; drop the ball, and the potential energy becomes kinetic energy. Facebook fans are like that -- all potential energy until you introduce something that creates kinetic energy." 
Move on, start now. Read the entire post and then think how can you create value from the potential energy of your fans and virtual friends. Looks simple.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Thelonious: WordPress 3.0. ready to upgrade. Ready to download

It's never too late to announce very loud. Actually, I really love the introductory sentence from WordPress blog:

"Arm your vuvuzelas: WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for download (or upgrade within your dashboard)."

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Wireless Oligopoly Is Smother of Invention | Epicenter 

If the people who brought us television had played by the same rules that today’s wireless carriers impose — we’d probably all be listening to the radio.

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Sunday, 13 June 2010

It’s a mistake to view IT simply as a commodity

There’s no question that cloud computing, commodity solutions and open-source software have changed our perceptions about the value of IT. Many, in fact, are convinced that information technology is rapidly becoming a standard utility, much like the water and electricity that flows into our homes and businesses.

Perceptions about IT as a standard utility miss the mark.  It’s a mistake to view IT simply as a commodity: that’s like saying people are a commodity, or talent is a commodity, or capital is a commodity.

Here are four key ways IT is making a difference in the companies’ capacity to innovate,

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Professional-Strength Social Media Aggregators

Any system for monitoring or measuring social media has three basic components: data collection, analytics, and application. The differences are in the details, and each component can be the subject of its own build-or-buy decision. If your goal is to beat the industry standard in a particular area, you build, but if industry-standard is good enough, you don't have to.
Social Media Today is sharing some interesting tips and a also a list of professional-strength social media aggregators

Friday, 4 June 2010

Apple posts demos of how HTML5 can beat Flash

In an attempt to prove that Flash isn’t necessary, Apple has posted a set of 7 demo pages that show off the power of HTML5, the emerging new standard for Web content that will run, theoretically, in any browser on any device. posted about the new HTML5 features.

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Sunday, 23 May 2010

Gesture-Based Computing Uses $1 Lycra Gloves | Gadget Lab |

Interacting with your computer by waving your hands may require just a pair of multicolored gloves and a webcam, say two researchers at MIT who have made a breakthrough in gesture-based computing that’s inexpensive and easy to use.

Gesture-Based Computing Uses $1 Lycra Gloves | Gadget Lab |

Thursday, 20 May 2010

21 Rules for Social Media Engagement

As social media continues to evolve, defining the “rules of engagement” will encourage thoughtful interaction that benefits the business, brand, customer, peers, and prospects at every touchpoint. In the end, we earn the attention, relationships and business we deserve.
Learn the important rules of engagement: @Mashable

Announcing Google TV: TV meets web. Web meets TV

Google just announced its plans for a new service that will marry broadcast TV with the Internet.
Welcome to Google TV!

"If there’s one entertainment device that people know and love, it’s the television."

Monday, 3 May 2010

How To Build Your Own Wordpress Theme

You don’t need to be a PHP whizz to be able to put together your very own custom Wordpress theme.

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15 Excellent CSS Grid Systems For Web Designers | Web Design Soul

There are a lot of online generators which can help designers a lot but few tools are really powerful for designers.
Check this 15 best & excellent CSS Grid Systems,

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Designing With Grid-Based Approach - Smashing Magazine

We’ve read through over 50 articles and selected some of the most important and interesting facts web-developers should know about the grid-based approach. Besides, we’ve listed the most useful references, tutorials and tools we found – with precise descriptions of what the articles are about.

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Saturday, 17 April 2010

Wired magazine app will work on the iPad

Wired magazine app will indeed work on the iPad despite the restrictive new guidelines Apple issued this month, AdAge reports.
Wired has been working with Adobe to develop interactive editions to run on tablet computers including the iPad. But Apple has long frowned on Adobe Flash, among other third-party plug-ins, so Adobe had developed a sort of workaround. Then earlier this month, Apple came out with guidelines requiring developers to write apps with specific programming languages and forbidding... workarounds.
Wired ‘s publisher Conde Nast, now says it can and will proceed: "We are working with Adobe to prepare Wired's reader app for the iPad, and will be compliant with Apple's new guidelines,"

The game is just starting. Check this promo video, produced by Wired Mag in February:

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

TED Blog: Happy birthday, TEDx!

Impressive figures for one-year of TEDx:

  • Total number of TEDx events to date: 500
  • Total number of TEDx events planned for 2010: 500 +
  • Total languages at TEDx events: 35 +
  • Total number of countries TEDx events are held in: 70 +
  • Estimated number of people who have attended a TEDx event to date: 50,000 +
  • Estimated number of people projected to attend a TEDx event through end of 2010: 100,000


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The iPad isn't a computer, it's a distribution channel - O'Reilly Radar

In this context the iPad isn't a computing device at all. Jobs is using his knack for design and user experience to build, not a better computer, but a better distribution channel. One that is controlled, constrained, and can re-take distribution as the point of monetization. You aren't buying a computer when you buy an iPad, you are buying a 16GB Walmart store shelf that fits on your lap - complete with all the supplier beat downs, slotting fees, and exclusive deals that go with it - and Apple got you to pay for the building.


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Saturday, 27 February 2010

The Philosophy of Punk Rock Mathematics

This simple:

1) People use the average Joe’s poor mathematics as a way to control, exploit, and numerically fuck him over.

2) Mathematics is the subject in which, regardless of what the authorities tell you is true, you can verify every last iota of truth, with a minimum of equipment.

A #mustread Interview with Tom Henderson, aka @mathpunk, at


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Thursday, 25 February 2010

Facts and Figures about Google, the Internet Company

Google has perhaps more than any other company become “The Internet Company.” It’s grown hand in hand with the internet and its entire business model has from the start been totally focused on the internet as a delivery platform.

Check a massive infographic about Google, at Royal Pingdom

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Daily Media Use Among American Children and Teens Up Dramatically to About 53 Hours a Week

A MustRead report published by The Kaiser Family:
Today, 8-18 year-olds devote an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes (7:38) to using entertainment media across a typical day (more than 53 hours a week). And because they spend so much of that time ‘media multitasking’ (using more than one medium at a time), they actually manage to pack a total of 10 hours and 45 minutes (10:45) worth of medi.
Complete report here:


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Twitter / Over capacity: Again and Again...

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Super DIABOLIQUES: Irène Schweizer | Maggie Nicols | Joëlle Leandre

LES DIABOLIQUES: Irène Schweizer, Maggie Nicols, Joëlle Leandre

Recorded at Jazzclub Moods, Zürich, at the Intakt-Jubilee-Festival (20 Years of Intakt Records)

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Google to end censorship in China

Google, the world's leading search engine, has thrown down the gauntlet to China by announcing it is no longer willing to censor search results on its Chinese version.

In a shock announcement the internet giant said the decision followed cyber attacks which appeared to be an attempt to gather information on Chinese human rights activists.

It also comes amid an increasing clampdown on the internet in China over the last year.

Google acknowledged that the decision might well mean, and potentially the company's offices in China, would have to close.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Google's Eric Schmidt on why bankers deserve little sympathy and Obama does - Telegraph

Google's Eric Schmidt on why bankers deserve little sympathy and Obama does - Telegraph: "Eric Schmidt, the chief executive of Google, tells Kamal Ahmed why America
needs to take its share of the blame for the financial crisis and what 2010
holds for the world economy."

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Google Nexus One, TechCrunch Review by Michael Arrington

This is the best Android powered phone to date. It’s also the fastest and most elegant smartphone on the market today, solidly beating the iPhone in most ways.

The phone looks more like the iPhone than any other phone on the market. It is 11.5 mm deep, slightly thinner than the iPhone 3GS at 12.3 mm. It is also slightly lighter than the iPhone 130 grams v. 135 grams)
Most of the interaction with the phone will be through the gorgeous 3.7 inch 480 x 800 OLED capacitive touchscreen. This is the best mobile phone display on the market today, blowing away the iPhone’s 480 x 320 display. The screen is bright and alive, and an absolute pleasure to use.

The Nexus One is an important milestone in the smartphone market. This is a software company, frustrated with making compromises with hardware manufacturers, that has taken the product bull by the horns. HTC makes the phone, but the branding is mostly Google and it’s clear that they directed every aspect of the development of this phone. It’s Google’s vision of the perfect Android device, from the huge and beautiful screen and massively fast Snapdragon processor to the software elegance of Google Navigation, Live Wallpaper and the Voice Keyboard.
When combined with Google Voice there is no phone on the market today that can touch the Nexus One.